#KPMCPAs extends a BIG CONGRATS to all our non-profit clients who are finalists in the 2020 Southwest Missouri Nonprofit Excellence Awards happening Tuesday, March 10! Clients represented (in individual or business categories) include: CASA of Southwest Missouri, The Doula Foundation, Boys & Girls Clubs of Springfield, Camp Barnabas, Ozarks Food Harvest, Harmony House, CCCS of the Ozarks, and Habitat for Humanity of Springfield, MO (#KPMTechnology). Congrats to all of the non-profits who are finalists as well – #SWMO and #417land are lucky to have such amazing organizations who work tirelessly to help our community! In addition, Shareholder Barb Houser again served as a judge for the awards this year, and Barb and members of #TeamKPM will be in attendance to honor these very deserving non-profits. To view the awards categories and all finalists, click here. #KPMNews
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