KPM is Ready for the United Way of the Ozarks’ Day of Caring 2016 Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the BIG day! It’s the LARGEST, one-day volunteer event in the #SGF area with 2,100+ volunteers helping 100+ non-profit agencies and schools for the #KPMSponsored United Way of the Ozarks’ Day of Caring 2016! 26 members of #TeamKPM from #KPMCPAs, #KPMTechnology, and #KPMWealthAdvisors will be in full-force tomorrow lending a hand at FIVE project sites around town! Our #DOC2016 project line-up includes: GYNCA, Springfield Ballet, Boys & Girls Clubs of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools’ York Elementary School, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks! We are excited to help all of these wonderful organizations that do so much for our community! #LiveUnited #KPMCARES


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