Cost Allocation

Stretched Too Thin? Outsourcing Your HR Function Could Save Time & Money.

Outsourcing HR is increasingly more common among employers. According to ZipDo, a software company, approximately one-third of U.S. employers now choose to outsource at least one HR function. Certain HR functions, like benefits administration and recruiting, have become increasingly intricate and specialized. If your non-profit organization’s HR team is still attempting to handle everything in-house, it might be time to explore professional HR assistance.

Potential Savings & Other Benefits

First, decide which HR functions you would outsource — for example payroll; benefits planning and administration; leave management; executive recruiting; worker training; strategic planning; or performance reviews. These are all labor-intensive responsibilities where expertise counts. Transferring all or some of them to professional advisors could elevate your organization to a higher level of professionalism and efficiency.

Next, gauge potential savings and other benefits. Even if the cost to outsource is more, you may decide that the extra dollars are worth freeing up staff hours for other initiatives.

Stretched Too Thin?

If you’re still undecided, here’s a sobering statistic that you might consider: The Society for Human Resource Management has found that nearly 75% of HR professionals feel their department is stretched too thin. Even if you don’t think outsourcing is the right choice for now, be sure to talk to your HR manager about workload issues. Unhappy HR staffers can affect your entire organization’s morale and your non-profit’s ability to serve clients. KPM’s Human Capital Solutions can help! Contact us to tackle your pressing HR issues.

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