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Three Specialized IT Leadership Positions For Growing Businesses

For many businesses, technology has changed from something they use to something they do. When a company reaches a point where IT plays a central role in operations and productivity, ownership might want to create one or more leadership positions to specifically oversee tech-related matters and strategy.

Often, this means a Chief Information Officer will join the team to manage the business’ internal IT infrastructure and operations. Other common ‘tech execs’ include Chief Technology Officers and Chief Digital Officers. However, just as technology itself seems to expand at a constant rate, so do IT leadership roles.

Although now isn’t exactly the easiest time to hire, here are three more specialized IT positions to consider if your company would substantially benefit from the return on investment. Even if your business isn’t large enough to warrant a C-level executive in these roles, adding managers who focus on these areas might be a good idea.

1. Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
Today’s companies must determine not only how to best gather, store, and analyze their data but also how to best protect it. Falling prey to a hacker or ransomware scam could be costly to rectify, in terms of both dollars and your reputation.

A CISO is the gatekeeper of your business systems. This person typically runs a team of IT staffers whose job is at least partly dedicated to security operations and oversight. A CISO also will monitor developing cyberthreats, lead efforts to educate employees on cybersecurity, and serve as the point person for a tactical response should a data breach occur.

2. Chief Technology Innovation Officer (CTIO)
‘Innovate or die’ is a way of life for some companies. For others, the situation isn’t quite that extreme but, nevertheless, methodically engineering new ways of doing things could provide a distinct competitive edge.

This is where a CTIO comes in. A leader in this position is responsible for identifying opportunities for technological innovation, developing initiatives with timelines and checkpoints for achieving these innovations, and ensuring that the initiatives align with the company’s overall strategic plan.

3. Chief Marketing Technologist (CMT)
Some very small businesses can rely on word-of-mouth referrals to keep an adequate or even profitable amount of revenue flowing in. Just about everyone else needs a marketing department.

In many industries, marketing has become so competitive — and so intertwined with technology, thanks to websites, email, and social media — that companies need someone with specialized skills in this area. Enter the CMT, whose job duties usually include identifying and recommending applicable IT solutions to ownership, acting as the highest-level administrator for existing marketing technology, and training and supporting staff in their use of marketing tech.

Explore The Feasibility
Adding any of these positions, whether at the C level or a more junior management level, will call for expenditures in hiring, payroll, and benefits. We can help you thoroughly explore their feasibility for your business.

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