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Run Your Strategic-Planning Meetings Like They Really Matter

Many businesses struggle to turn abstract strategic-planning ideas into concrete, actionable plans. One reason why is simple: ineffective meetings. The ideas are there, lurking in the minds of management and key employees, but the process for hashing them out just does not work. Here are a few ways to run your strategic-planning meetings like they really matter — which, of course, they do.

Build buy-in

Meetings often fail because attendees feel more like spectators than participants. They are less likely to zone out if they have some say in the direction and content of the gathering. So, before the session, touch base with those involved and establish a clear agenda of the strategic-planning initiatives you will be discussing.

Another common problem with meetings occurs when someone leads the meeting but no one owns it. As the meeting leader, be sure to speak with conviction and express positivity (if not passion) for the subject matter. (If others are delivering presentations during the proceedings, encourage them to do the same).

Fight fatigue

To the extent possible, keep meetings short. Cover what needs to be covered, but make sure you are concentrating only on what is important. Prepare and come equipped with easy-to-follow notes so you will stay on track and will not forget anything. The latter point is particularly important because overlooked subjects often lead to hasty follow-up meetings that can frustrate employees.

In addition, if the group of attendees is large enough, consider having employees break out into smaller groups to focus on specific points. Then call the meeting back to order to discuss each group’s ideas. By mixing it up in such creative ways, you will keep employees more engaged.

Tell a story

There is so much to distract employees in a meeting. If it is held in the morning, the busy day ahead may preoccupy their thoughts. If it is an afternoon meeting, they might grow anxious about their commutes home. If the meeting is a Web conference, there are a variety of distractions that may affect them. And there is no getting around the ease with which participants can sneak peeks at their smartphones (or smart watches) to check emails, texts, and the Internet.

How do you break through? People appreciate storytellers. So, think about how you can use this technique to find a more relaxed and engaging way to speak to everyone in the room. Devise a narrative that will grab attendees’ attention and keep them in suspense for a little bit. Then deliver a conclusion that will inspire them to work toward identifying fully realized, feasible strategic goals.

Make them great

Grumbling about meetings can be as much a part of working life as burnt coffee in the bottom of the breakroom pot. But do not let this occasional negativity sway you from doing the critical strategic planning that every business needs to do. Your meetings can be great ones. We cannot help you run them, but we can assist you in assessing the financial feasibility and ramifications of your strategic plans.

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